The 5 foundations describe how we approach ‘Take the Jump - Kia Māia Te Peke’ and are based on lessons from the past. They make taking the jump an easier and more positive experience.

Even if you can’t keep to it 100% you can still take the JUMP

Even if you can’t keep to it 100% it's still an incredible impact to ‘Take the Jump’ and just do your best. You may already have a flight booked, or live in a remote area and need your car. That’s ok, you can still take the JUMP and do your best. Avoid booking any more flights and try to minimise using the car. It can sometimes feel like the whole world is trying to prevent us from making these shifts. Relentless advertising, fast fashion, cheap flights, online shopping, cheap fried meat etc. If we’re not always perfect, that doesn’t mean we’ve failed. Learn what made keeping to the shift difficult, then keep trying.


If all seven feel like too much, start with what you can and build from there. The science is clear we need to start changing things now. So it’s not about being perfect from the start, it's about starting at all

Take the Jump and do one thing to get started: Maybe connect with others taking the JUMP or consider signing up for the free ambassador training. There are plenty of options and ideas in the Community Toolbox.


Have you ever been afraid to act because you’ll get grief for not being perfect? Have you ever been made to feel awful by a very well-meaning but raging greenie saying ‘you're destroying your kid’s future’, just for living your life? 

Well if you have been in that situation we bet you don't need to ask if that helped, or changed anything. Because it almost certainly didn't.


It takes time to change, so let's be kind to ourselves, laugh at our flaws, support each other, and welcome hypocrites! Because we’re all starting where we are and it’s only by exciting people about what could be, rather than demonising where they are, that change happens! Change can happen with support.

This is a jump to a joyous, prosperous, vibrant future.

Does taking The JUMP mean we have to give up everything that makes life good and return to living in caves? No! For two reasons:


Firstly, taking the JUMP doesn't mean giving everything up. We can still fly to every continent in our lifetime. It's about taking steps to work toward a balance in our choices. 


But secondly, and more importantly, a world less focused on producing and consuming things would be better. Sure, buying something new can make us feel good for a moment, but over-consumption of anything can make us sick. Plus, what about all the other things that make life wonderful and don’t involve buying more stuff? Like connecting with friends and family, spending time in nature, and creating something new from materials you already have.


The goal of ‘Take the Jump’ is to go way beyond the ‘usual suspects’. The JUMP must be and will be a space for EVERYONE; no matter your cultural background, gender, sexuality, income, lived experience, location, or political leanings. We’re working hard to achieve this inclusion, as well as ensuring content is positive, constructive, and non-political. We’re aiming to reach out across traditional boundaries and divides.

Same access for all! But not, the same responsibility for all. 


It is not up to those fighting to put food on the table to fix this mess. We know that not everyone has the privilege to consider giving up their car or reducing flying. Many other people are struggling to meet even their basic needs. ‘Taking the Jump’ for these people means consuming more, not less. 

The science is clear: higher consumers must act fastest and furthest. Millions of people live comfortable lives and have the opportunity to Take the JUMP, while still living happy and content lives. Inequality in privilege means inequality in responsibility. It’s a balance, equal access, but different responsibility.

Science shows taking the JUMP will change things

The science behind ‘Take the Jump’ indicates that citizens have primary influence over 25-27% of the emissions savings needed by 2030 to avoid ecological meltdown. This is the first time the direct impact of citizens’ action has been quantified and shows that yes, government and industry do have the most responsibility, but individual action is meaningful, impactful, and urgently needed.

History also agrees

‘Taking the Jump’ will unlock a wider shift far beyond the impact of a few people. The science is clear we need a deep shift to reduce the impact of consumption by ⅔ by 2030. We need an ecological revolution, away from just ‘stuff’, and onto people and the planet. Citizens can drive this. Examples of citizen-led revolutions pervade history, including the French and American revolutions and the gender and civil rights gains of the 20th century. These changes did not appear in the mind of a solo leader. They started with people deciding the world needed to change, coming together, doing things differently, and changing how society sees itself. The ecological revolution underway today will be no different as we shift away from a world focused on stuff, to a more joyous world focused on people and the planet


This is not just a change in our behaviour and what we buy. It’s a change in what we aspire to, what we prioritise, and what is considered valuable. A change in our mindsets. Showing the world how joyous it feels to live a full life, in balance with nature. Setting this visible and joyous example is the magic that will bring everyone else with us and will shift the way our culture, communities, and society view things. We can show politicians and businesses what the future can look like and that it’s both possible and wanted, now.


Even if you can’t keep to it 100%, you can still ‘Take the Jump’ and do your best.

Just start! ‘Take the Jump’ by choosing how long you want to try the shifts for: