HOW to get planting?

WHILE TAKING THE JUMP: Perform one or more acts that help preserve or restore an area of New Zealand’s native bush and wetlands. Wetlands are important for carbon storage, biodiversity, and for flood prevention

You may want to consider planting more trees around your property, or if you can’t do that, join a local conservation group and go along to weeding and tree planting days. Planting projects in schools is a great way to teach our tamariki about the value of our native species and help them feel empowered and excited to take their own little JUMP!

Why get planting? 

WHAT THE SCIENCE SAYS: Climate Change is a major contributor to habitat and biodiversity loss. Our native flora and fauna are suffering directly as a consequence of our inaction around climate change.

New Zealand is a treasure trove of biodiversity. About 2,500 native plant species grow here and more than 5,800 types of fungi have been identified. Our native species from birds to insects number well over 70,000 ( The New Zealand Threat Classification System shows that much of our native flora and fauna is currently experiencing an at-risk or declining conservation status. While habitat loss from land use, mining, and introduced predators play their part, so does climate change, with warmer temperatures, changes in rainfall patterns/intensity, and increasingly extreme weather events significantly impacting ecosystems.

Plants and trees produce oxygen and sequester or store carbon in their stems, leaves, branches, and soil. The more carbon stored in plants and soil, the less is in the atmosphere. Furthermore, planting more native bush helps to counteract habitat loss and help our native species of fauna to thrive. We have a responsibility to future generations to preserve our ecosystems and learn from Te Ao Māori about how to become good ancestors and kaitiaki (guardians).


Even if you can’t keep to it 100%, you can still ‘Take the Jump’ and just do your best.

Just start! ‘Take the Jump’ by choosing how long you want to try the shifts for: