
Transformations through workshops, training, daily practices, lessons from experience, better understanding.

The Deepen tool set is still in development, but because it’s so important we wanted to give you a hint of what it will include.

Jump Tool: Learn and develop

Keep your JUMP practice active and continue to deepen your understanding. As the JUMP grows we’ll use this space to highlight tools, workshops and training to help with your JUMP. Also articles, evidence and background information to keep up-to-date. On topics including how to approach making the different shifts, where consumerism comes from, how to avoid advertising, greenhouse gas impact etc.

Jump Tool: Nurture inner transition & mindset shift

Watch this space.

Taking the JUMP begs some big questions. What is the focus for life if not accumulating stuff and wealth. What are the things that really matter? How can we cultivate those things within ourselves? How do we relate to those strong feelings and habits within us that encourage us to keep consuming in a way which is devastating the planet? Are there practices, such as contemplations, rituals or meditations that will help us break those habits? What “system” of thought can we replace the system we’ve been used to all these years? 

The JUMP aims to provide some suggestions and support in answering these questions, and ultimately providing us with the inner tools to help us break our habits and start to live and feel differently.

More soon.

Jump Tool: Expand the jump lifestyle.

Taking the JUMP will impact your lifestyle for the better. You’ll experience new ways of doing things, find new connections and shape new priorities. You may feel inspired to link the 7 shifts to the wider lifestyle shifts we aim for to improve our lives. For instance other aspects living with less stuff and more joy, such as work life balance.

More to follow.

Jump Tool: Deepen the 7 shifts

Taking the JUMP and adopting the 7 shifts is the most impactful thing you can do to stop ecological breakdown. For those who want to go even further or have finished the JUMP and are ready for the next step, there are other steps you can take (though from a climate point of view you will have done the biggest things through the JUMP). 

To develop a deeper understanding of your life locally, globally, environmentally and socially, Doughnut Economics Action Lab (DEAL) has free resources available for you to use. In time, we’ll understand how the DEAL approach can assess the impact of the shifts and broaden them.


Even if you can’t keep to it 100%, you can still take the JUMP and just do your best.

Just start! Take the JUMP by choosing how long you want to try the shifts for: